Innovuze ColorPool Christmas Party 2022
Jan 06, 2023
Christmas is a holiday that commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ and is observed on December 25th by Christians around the world. It is a time for family and friends to come together and celebrate the season's joys. And of course, as one of the Web Development companies in the Philippines, we don't forget the corporate Christmas party celebrations as it's the highlight of the employee's year.
Innovuze Solution Inc. Christmas party is a yearly festive event that is typically held at the end of the year to celebrate the holiday season with its employees. The event this year was held at Mapple's Patio & Resort located at Iponan, Cagayan de Oro City. There was a variety of activities such as a formal dinner, dancing, games, gift exchanges, and getting to know our new colleagues. This Christmas Party event is an opportunity for coworkers to socialize and build relationships outside of the office, and it also serves as a way for the company to show appreciation for our employee's hard work and dedication throughout the year.
So why do we celebrate office Christmas parties?
Boosting morale: Innvouze Christmas Parties help boost the morale of the employees by showing them that their hard work and dedication are appreciated through annual recognition of employees’ achievements. When people feel valued and supported by the company, it hopefully improves their r overall job satisfaction and motivation.
Building relationships: Our corporate holiday party provides an opportunity for coworkers to socialize and build relationships outside of the office. This helps foster a sense of community and support among employees and improves teamwork and collaboration within the company.
Improving company culture: We plan our corporate Christmas party in detail to promote positive company culture and have fun while we’re at it.
Strengthening team bonds: As one of the IT companies in Cagayan de Oro, the Innovuze Christmas party is a proven great way for teams to bond and build stronger relationships to improve communication and collaboration within teams.
Innovuze Family
For many of us, Innovuze Solutions Inc. is simply not an agency. Many of our members see it as their second home. As a result, celebrating the unity and spirit of Christmas is similar to doing it as a family. Christians observe Christmas not just to remember the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, but also to honor the Holy Family; however, the holiday wouldn't be complete without our loved ones and children, so some workers were free to bring along their loved ones to the Innovuze ColorPool party. As we celebrated the holiday season and shared our blessings with our ISI employees, this made the gathering more joyful, lively, and fun.

How do we celebrate Christmas the Innovuze way?
Fun Games and Activities
First on the list, of course! Without entertaining and amusing games, our gathering would be incomplete. The first game was "Snip the Nip," in which the team that sniped and moved the nips from one plate to the next with the most speed and accuracy won. The players had to put starch in the disposable glass using a little piece of cardboard for the "starch relay" that followed. The final game was "Sandoka ko beh," in which participants dug on the play money on the table and transferred it to the other plate while wearing blindfolds. If you sneeze or cough, it will spatter all over your face.

The winner is the one with the most money! Additionally, the admin team of Innovuze offers numerous raffle prizes, ranging from cash to goods to appliances to a tower desktop to a smart TV! Plus, a Mac Mini! You heard it right, an Apple Mac Mini! Congrats to the lucky winners who took home all of these things; we hope you had an even more blessed Christmas.
Rewards and Recognition
After a complete year of arduous labor and activity, it was high time to honor and celebrate our team members, who are the heart and soul of the organization. The following awards were given by the management of Innovuze Solutions in appreciation of the staff members' outstanding dedication, devotion, and hard work.
Indeed, nothing is possible without our diligent and committed personnel: the Rookie employee, the Breakthrough employee, the Milestone employee, the Loyalty bonus, Top Trainer’s bonus, Team Lead’s bonus, the bonuses for the manager, the bonuses for the top client choices, and the bonuses for the well performing teams. Much deserved, everyone and congratulations! The management of Innovuze expressed their gratitude for everyone’s fidelity, diligence, and commitment.

Exchanging gifts
In true Filipino fashion, exchanging gifts is one of the most anticipated times or moments during Christmas. Employees brought special gifts to exchange with their randomly-generated manito and manita; may it be from their recipient’s wishlist or random favorite picks from the malls and shopping apps.

After party
As the event came to a close, the entire team came together as one just like in the old days, to eat delectable foods, and drinks. This may or may not have entailed multiple rounds of tequila shots with Emman, our legendary all-time gunner.
That, with the relaxing dip at the pool and terrific conversations, the party was easily a night to remember for everyone. No seniorities, no boundaries, and whatnot, all just talked and chatted like good ‘ol friends and family, more than just coworkers at a company.
That wraps up our ColorPool Christmas Party - a day full of fun, laughter, twists, and turns that we will be carrying with us next year. For more updates from Innovuze, you can visit our Facebook page or our Career page for open roles to join our family.